Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Hey everyone, I have some big news to share with everyone. Angie and I are expecting....
So I am pretty pooooooped. I am tired of the cold weather. Why won't it just be warmer and nice.
I took a very fun Accounting test today. I hope i did ok on the test. I studdied my tail off, but with me and exams... you can never tell how well I did.
I am glad it is April, hopefully that will mean longer days and warmer temperatures. I need to get out on the golf course and relax and have some fun. Angie got some help at work, so she hopes to not be working 60+ hour weeks here soon. Maybe I will be able to get my wife back, after all we are expecting.....
So Graduation is not to far away, have i mentioned that? Well, i am soooo school burned out it is insane. I have sooo much to get done and no time to do it in. I know, nobody believes me and Angie, but it is true. We are really busy trying to get things done.
Well that is about all for this entry,
OH BY THE WAY, ANGIE AND I ARE EXPECTING.....TO GO TO DISNEYWORLD IN MAY. GOTCHYA!!! WHAT WERE YA'LL THINKING? I RARELY SEE MY WIFE, LET ALONE SPEND TIME WITH HER, SHEEEEEEESH, HOPEFULLY THAT ALL CHANGES. Looking forward to going to disneyworld, getting a job, buying a home and moving forward with mine and Angie's lives.



Misty said...

Happy April Fool's Day! :) Dude, I was getting all worked up that you wouldn't tell us in person before you go posting it on your blog. Hee hee. You know where my mind immediately went. I should expect something like that from you. After all, you and Adam rub off on each other. Keep truckin' Scott. This month will go by so fast and before you know it you'll be wearing one of those goofy square hats. We're pullin' for ya. By the way, I was hoping you would post today. I was expecting your first of the month thoughts. :)

Derek said...

I was happy for you for a minute there, but now...
I'm just happy your graduating and going to Disney Land, just as good as a pregnancy right?

Our 5th is due in June.

Not an April Fools joke.