Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year Ya'll

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and gave and received all they wanted to. I had a wonderful Christmas season. I love this time of year. I am always sad to see December go, but this year it is a bit tougher, since Angie and I were able to do so much. I am blessed to be in the country that I live in and have the family and friends that I do. I got a bunch of cool stuff, ranging from an electronic dart board, to dvd's like Rush Hour 3 and Spiderman 3 and Oceans 13. New black Jordan shoes and a hoop to hang on the door. I even got looneytunes dvd collection and Disney scene it 2. I also got a Discus fish from my brother that is really cool. Angie got clothes and a new bath robe, high heels, dvds of byu 2006 season and dancing with the stars. stuffed bell and beast from Beauty and the Beast. Stuff to do her nails, a massage, class pan with our last name engraved on the glass. Earings, and tons o chocolate. Twas a good Christmas this year because of all we were able to do and then we were able to just stay home this year and not have to travel anywhere far, other than to my parents. We both loved that fact. I will post some pictures of our new Christmas tree soon and holiday pictures when i get a chance. Happy New Year everyone. Be safe and lets make this new year even better. Should be a big year for me and Angie, so stay tuned.